Monday, August 29, 2011


My camera and wallet were stolen when we were at the beach on Wednesday.   Luckily I upload my pictures quite frequently, so I had a couple from Monday. Until we get a new camera, I guess this blog is going to be a little bit boring.  

Anyway, a few things we did while learning about forests this week.

We did some activities in the preschool pack created by 2 Teaching Mommies
I was planning to have the kids color in their graphing chart, but when Brielle saw it she got excited and asked if we were doing a 'snack project'. (we've done those before, and apparently she is a fan)
The kids enjoyed this puzzle of matching the animals footprints to the correct animal.  I then traced the kids hands and feet so they could compare their prints with the animals.

Brielle: Rain Forestsby Nancy Smiler Levinson
Ethan: Over in the Jungle Marianne Berkes

We talked about both 'mountain forests' and rain forests
We've done a rainstick before, but here is another example of how to do one.

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