Sunday, September 24, 2017

Route 66 Parade

Margaret was invited to be part of the Routee 66 parade again this year as Mayor of the City.  A lot of Finlay family was able to be in town to join the festivities.
James was excited to be able to drive our friend Larry's 1948 firetruck.  With no power steering and being a stick shift, it was a good workout.

Preston took his job of waving to the crowds very seriously and made sure to not miss saying hi to anyone.  He now wants to ride in a firetruck all the time and thinks that's a pretty great mode of transportation.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sriracha Tour

We had a chance to go as a family to tour the Sriracha Factory.  They open up once a year for their chili grinding festival and allow public to come see how it all works.  The owner, David Tran came out to say hello.
The room is spicy!  With all the fresh chili's being ground you can smell it as you walk in and it burns your eyes.
But it was very interesting to watch the process of how the chilis are ground, stored, made into different sauces and packaged.
Afterwards they let us try different spiced snacks and even sriaracha flavored ice cream.