Thursday, August 11, 2011

An Explanation

If anyone is looking for an excellent way to get behind (on blogging, dishes, laundry....everything) here is a good recipe to follow:
*go on vacation
*get your kids sick

We are running on survival mode around here.  The kids both want to be held day and night, which makes it hard to get much else done.  On the plus side though, Ethan was so cuddly at church on Sunday that he sat still and quiet on my lap for ALL 3 hours (this is how I knew he was sick).  He NEVER holds still.  EVER!

And the other plus side.  We are getting a lot of books read.

It is Thursday.  We hadn't been to the store at all this week.  We've been scrambling to find James some decent food to take in his lunches (poor James).  How can we have food storage and NOTHING to take for lunch!?
After 3 attempts this morning (all which ended with crying kids and cuddles) we finally got out the door and to the store (with no one screaming!).  This was only after I told Ellie that the reason we were trying to get to the store is because we were all out of medicine and I couldn't help her feel better without some help from some medicine.

And of course while I was there I stocked up on milk, eggs and produce so that James can have a really great lunch tomorrow.  Finally.

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