Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Big News

James was accepted to all 4 of the residencies he went to interviews for. Since each location only accepts 1 resident, this is a big deal. It has been a busy time for him to be doing his Veterinary School rotations while trying to find time to travel to these different places. I wasn't surprised to find out that all the schools think James is as great as I think he is.
Even though yesterday was the day the schools could finally all give him the answer, we've been discussing the options for weeks. After lots of praying and fasting (well James was fasting I was "pregnant fasting") we have decided...

We're moving to CALIFORNIA!!

James accepted a combined residency/PHD program at the City of Hope. This just happens to be located in Duarte where James grew up and where his family still lives. We are not excited about leaving all of our friends in Michigan, but it will be nice to be close to family again.
The residency starts on July 1st, so we'll move sometime before then. (but after Megan has a baby and James graduates...it is going to be a busy year!)


Lucia said...

WOO-HOO!!!!!!! HOORAY!!! I'm so excited for you guys!That is so awesome!!! CONGRATS!! Way to be awesome James!

You know who said...

Cngrats!! Let me know what I can do to help (when the time comes).

Jessie said...

This is great. Nice work James. It'll be nice for you to be around family. And man, will we miss you.

Shelly said...

Way to go! We all knew James was good. What an accomplishment!

Jacquelyn said...

My, oh my! Congrats!

I don't know how I missed out on this news from the rest of the fam...I'm a bit behind.

We are excited that you will be a bit closer to us!