Ellie loved helping to decorate the tree. I've been surprised that she and Wes haven't tried to mess with it. I strategically placed it in a corner where I could block it off a bit. Ellie does go over to the tree and says "tree...eyes" meaning I've told her she can look with her eyes, not with her hands. I keep waiting for her to test that limit. It is probably a bit confusing that while decorating I let her touch it all she wanted.
And here are a couple of our latest projects. If you click on the title of the project it will take you to the site with instructions.
Advent Calendar
Painting on the glue
We made the shape of a Christmas Tree.
Ellie loved putting a piece of candy into each of the sections. She colored the tree and then helped glue the ornaments on. She liked that so much I had to cut out more pieces of paper for her to glue onto something else.
And there it is. We get to poke a hole each day to get the candy out and count our way to Christmas!
Santa Claus
I don't think Brielle actually know her colors, but she likes to say and sign the names of the colors. Red is her favorite, so she was excited that I gave her a red marker to color Santa.
She did much better at gluing the cotton balls than the ghosts that we made for Halloween.
Yep, she is pretty proud of her work.
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