Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm behind, so I'll just quickly post our preschool highlights for the past few weeks.

After going to San Diego and visiting the aquarium, we continued learning about the Ocean.

The favorite activity was making an 'Ocean in a Bottle'. We used oil, water and blue food coloring. It was a fun science project to see how the oil stays on top.
Even after you shake it up!

We had some great pretend play with the pool being the ocean. The kids made an airplane and flew to 'Salt Lake City' to go to the ocean.

The books:
Ocean Whisper-a wordless book with a great story being told in the pictures
Over in the Ocean-Brielle's favorite, she loves counting and the 'I Spy' aspect of having to find the pictures in the book
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1 comment:

Corinne said...

Hahaha! I can't believe they pretended to fly to SLC to go to the ocean. You live in California, for goodness sake. Awesome.