Spice Turkeys
Ellie wasn't too sure about putting her hand in the glue. I told her to give the plate five and that worked. She LOVED shaking the spices on the plate. You are supposed to use "Thanksgiving" spices like cinnamon and sage. Instead I let her use the random ones that came in the spice rack when we were married that I've never opened.
Cereal Box Turkeys
This was a lot of prep work, and not quite as toddler friendly. I did it more for me than for her though, just because I thought they were so cute. She did a good job helping to glue it together.
And she was very interested in the googly eyes, and kept pulling them back off.
Turkey Fan
I colored and cut everything out first, since Brielle still doesn't care about coloring all that much yet. She doesn't press hard enough so can't see what she has done.
She loved helping glue it together.
Her favorite thing though was the fan tail. She kept slipping it through the roll and pulling it out, over and over again.
Where in the world do you come up with all of these ideas? Ellie is going to grow up to be super crafty at the rate you are going.
You do some many cute things with her. So great!
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