Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gender Reveal Party

We had our anatomy scan ultrasound February 4th.  James and I decided not to find out the gender at the doctor's office, but to find out with the family later.
It was fun to see the baby, but weird to not see for myself the proof of the gender.  The ultrasound technician seemed pretty sure and left the room to put our slip of paper in an envelope for us. (I had prepared one that said boy and one that said girl, so she threw out the wrong one and gave us back the correct paper.)

With it being close to Chinese New Year, we decided to use that as a theme party.  The kids spent the week coloring the snakes (year of the snake this year) to hang from the ceiling.  They were very excited to help.

Brielle was keeping track of predictions, but then had so much fun with it she kept adding and erasing and coloring.  We don't know what the predictions actually were.

I made fortune cookies and was successful in putting the slip from the doctor into a fortune without peeking.  After dinner we all opened our fortune cookies and one of them was this announcement telling us we are having a boy!
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