Monday, August 28, 2017

Back to School

Summer has past, school started.  I have a lot of catch up blogging to do, but I'll start with current and move back.  
Brielle started 5th grade and is loving it.  She enjoys school and learning.  She especially loves that her teacher reads to them after lunch, does obstacle courses with them in the mornings, and has a treasure chest to choose from for getting all homework turned in.

Ethan is in 3rd grade this year.  He loves being back with friends and mostly talks about the different activities he is doing during recess.  Kickball, tetherball, basketball...that's what school is about for him.
Preston is doing a preschool group with friends.  We rotate houses and have school twice a week and field trips a couple times a month as well. He loves to pretend to be like Brielle and Ethan and work on 'homework' after school along with them.  

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