Wednesday, April 27, 2016

El Paso Trip-Day 2

While technically we flew in and out of El Paso, Texas and were visiting James' sister who lives there.  We spent a lot of time in New Mexico.  So, while I label this the 'El Paso' trip, we were actually in New Mexico for this whole day.
Day 2 was a Sunday.  We drove in the mountains to a town called Cloudcroft for church.  We doubled the size of the branch with our group.
The primary was held in the basement of the library, which the branch rented for the winter.  (In the summer services are located at a girls camp in cabins--but they have to wait for the snow to melt.)
The makeshift nursery-made in the corner of the basement.  The branch had a nursery leader, but she doesn't have any nursery age kids in the branch right now.  She did have a bag of toys that our 5 nursery age kids could play with.
The kind people insisted we stay to join them for lunch after church.  They had a potluck planned and after Brad had called the branch president the night before (at almost 10pm) to check on meeting time and location, they had prepared more food knowing we'd be coming.
After church we explored the area a little, checking out the views from the sun observatory and the old trestle bridge.
We then went back to the hotel and prepared dinner in the dining area.
We did a valentine's day scavenger hunt with some activities
and Annie prepared a Family Home Evening lesson about love-a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day all together as an extended Finlay family.

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