Thursday, November 21, 2013

Utah-Dad's Birthday Trip

In October I was able to take these boys with me to Utah.

It was a quick trip made so we could surprise my Dad for his 60th birthday.

Ethan is pretty easy to travel with because he loves airplanes so much. (That was extremely helpful, because Preston was a bit fussy on his first airplane trip.)

After we got there, we met up with some of my siblings and kids at the pumpkin patch.  We had all of the boys grand kids together.

They had a great time playing together in the hay, corn, and slides.

Here is the group that pulled off a surprise.  My Dad is an incredible person, and it was fun to get together and celebrate how wonderful he is.

It is rare anymore to have all 11 kids together at one time.  Even at family reunions we are often crossing paths and never have everyone there all at once.

(thanks to my brother-in-law, Zack for the party day pictures)
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