Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Route 66 Parade

The kids look forward to this parade all year.  We drive this route frequently (like everyday taking Brielle to school) and Ethan loves to talk about how he was in the the parade and waved from 'right over there!'

The 4 oldest grandchildren got to ride with their Grandma and Papa Finlay

And since they were at the beginning of the parade, after they were done riding and waving, they still got to watch the rest of the parade from the sidelines.

Ethan still can't help but to get up and dance anytime he hears music.  He loved the marching bands.

And, it was a warm enough day, we cooled off in the swimming pool after the parade.  A fun way to enjoy the last few warm days left.
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1 comment:

Shelly said...

I think I need to watch another parade with that kid. Or have a dance party with him. Love his moves.