Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The kids and I spent a couple of days in Sacramento with Aunt Helen and Uncle Dan. There was a lot to see and not enough time. We tried to get to as much as we could in the couple of days we were there and had a great time!  Here are pictures of a few of the things we did.

 The kids learned about Sacramento being the capitol of California.  We got to picnic on the lawn and go inside to see some of the museum of the State Capitol building.  It is a very pretty building.

We enjoyed exploring some of Old Town, which is a very well-kept 'cowboy' village.

This is the site of the final stopping place for the pony express

We enjoyed going to the fish hatchery

We loved the Jelly Belly Factory learning about how candy is made.

We had a great time exploring Suisun City.  The kids loved touring the wildlife refuge with Auntie and Uncle Dan.

And we stopped by the It's-It's Cookie Factory for a yummy treat to end the day.

Thanks for the great trip showing us around Uncle Dan and Aunt Helen!
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1 comment:

Helen Crump said...

We had such a good time with Ster and the little kids. They are always welcome to visit and stay with us. We did some "firsts" with them. It was just great spending time with a fun bunch of relatives. Thanks for putting Sacramento into your travel plans!