Monday, May 21, 2012

Brielle's Birthday

Birthdays are SO exciting, especially when you are a kid.  Brielle was planning her birthday for weeks before the event.  I encouraged her list making and cake designing (handwriting and spelling practice that she loved). 

This is her requested menu for the day

Brielle wanted a Zoo birthday, so we spent the day hanging out with the animals.  Her favorite for the day was the Elephants.

Ethan has been obsessed with Tigers lately (He has changed his name to 'Little Buddy Tiger' and carries around a stuffed tiger everywhere.)  There are 2 baby tigers at the zoo right now that were wrestling with each other.  They were very fun to watch.

Brielle helped me draw out pictures of how she wanted the cake to look.  We used kit-kats for the fences, because they are her favorite candy bar.  I suggested pretzels, but she insisted 'you can't have healthy food on a cake!'
We had a small birthday party at Grandma and Papa Finlay's house.  Brielle called everyone herself to invite them to her dinner party.  Some of the family was out of town, but we had a great time with those that were there.  Papa, Vov, Yogi, Steve, Alana and our family.

She picked out the animals that she wanted.  She wanted me to make them from fondant, but I didn't feel that daring.  She made sure to inform everyone that the animals were not edible.  She was afraid someone might think they were.  She made toys for the animals out of fondant, but I forgot to put them on the cake.  Whoops.

We got home late that night, but she requested we have a family tea party using her new tea set.  We did.  It was her birthday after all.

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