Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

My kids haven't really been interested in any of the Dr. Seuss books until this year.  Some of them tend to be quite long.  We had some fun with our Dr. Seuss theme week this year and talked a lot about words that rhyme.

From the 46 books he published, we went with some of the well known classics...

Green Eggs and Ham
 It seems you can't do a Dr. Seuss week reading and trying green eggs and ham.  It does not look very appetizing, but the 3 out of the 4 kids loved it.  (Brielle does not care for eggs or ham even on a normal day, but she tasted it anyway.)
 we also made 'dessert' green eggs and ham.  We used melted white chocolate on a graham cracker topped with a green m&m to look like the fried green egg that is in the book.

The Lorax
We played this game over and over again.  One of the kids would go upstairs to play the Once-ler and lower down the bucket asking for a certain amount of coins.  The kids downstairs would count out the correct amount to send back up to be counted by the kid upstairs.
We haven't yet seen the new Lorax movie, but we want to try it still.

 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
We made some 'pink ink' (strawberry smoothies)
And did lots of fish activities (this one was fishing for the correct number of 'worm' to feed the fish)

The Cat in the Hat
We made the classic hat

Happy Birthday To You
We had a marching band, we also measured all the kids side by side to see which was the tallest birthday pet.  Ethan was very sad he wasn't the tallest.

 Fox in Sox
 From the words in the Fox in Sox book we made a lunch with 'cheese on trees' (cheese cubes stuck into pears with toothpicks), 'blue goo' (dyed yogurt), and 'oodles of noodles' angel hair pasta with garlic cheese sauce).

1 comment:

Shelly said...

What a fun week! Morey loves some of those books, so we'll have to try out some of your ideas.