Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent Book Days 3, 4, 5 & 6

I accidentally deleted all my pictures of our activities from Days 4-6.  Ugg.  I thought I had transfered them to the computer, so cleared the camera.  I noticed a second too late.  At least it wasn't a big event, and it was only a few pictures.  I should still be able to get some picture of the kids projects, just not the in process of making them.  Oh well.

Day 3-How Santa Gets His Job
How Santa Got His Job
Activity-Breakfast with Santa!  Our ward had a primary activity.  They read the Christmas Orange book, so Santa gave the kids each an orange.  
 The kids were very excited to eat them.

Day 4-The Night Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
I know, it should be saved for Christmas Eve, but it's a classic story/poem that I wanted shared this month.  I can't save all the books until Christmas Eve...so they just have to come out earlier.

Day 5-Snowmen At Christmas
Snowmen at Christmas
This book has hidden objects to find in each picture.  My kids LOVE doing those things.  It is an activity all in itself.
We also made snowman out of the packing bubbles.  We cut out circles and painted them white. (Well, except Gavin, he really wanted a red and black snowman).  After letting them dry we then used markers to color arms/eyes/hat, etc.

(I went back to take pictures of these, since I deleted my first pictures)

For a treat we made snowmen out of marshmallows.  I used food-safe markers to make a decorate, and we put them on a kabab stick.

Day 6-The Hawaiian Snowman
The Hawaii Snowman
We continued our Snowman theme. Too bad (or is it good?) we don't have snow here in California to build our own snowman.  It is still fun to enjoy them. We still have some more snowman activities for later this month.
We made different snowmen with felt.  I have circles cut out of white, and then various colors and shapes for designing clothes and body parts.

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