Monday, July 18, 2011


We of course planned a backyard campout to wrap up our camping week.  For some reason I didn't take a single picture to prove that we did it.  We're still wanting to do some real camping this summer, but the practice of backyard camping is nice to get up ready and geared up for the real thing.

 First we went for a nature walk to collect the kindling we needed to make our fire.  I then had the kids tear the red, yellow and orange paper.  Ethan was the greatest at tearing and had to help the other 3 kids finish theirs.  He loved this project so much he actually made a second.  As we made our fires we talked about fire safety.

Pretend Camping
 Bags packed, tent made, campfire stories told.  So fun.

Of course, during camping week we had to eat our meals outside.  Lots of fun picnics.
S'mores for treats
and we made granola bars and trail mix for snacks as well.

 Nature Scenes
 Finger painting with pudding.  The kids designed their ideal camping scene.  Some chose a forest, others the beach...and then it was just a random design of paint all over the paper and in their mouth. :)

Homeschool Creations made this camp theme preschool pack, this week we focused on some writing, cutting and patterns.

they love to use scissors.

The kids LOVED the Camping Day book.  It was silly, short, slightly weird...but Ethan requested it again and again.

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