Monday, May 17, 2010

Brielle 3-year-old Interview and Stats

My name is: Brielle (aka Ellie, Biscuit, Bo-bellie)
I'm: 3-years-old
Things I love:

-Music (especially 'It's a Small World' and 'Yo-Ho-Yo' from Disney's Pirates ride)
-Playing Hungry Hippos
-Eating (likes fruit especially oranges, veggies paticularly brocolli and corn on the cob, doesn't really like meat, loves chocolate)
-Reading Books
Favorite book: Still loves I Spy Books, other favorite books rotate depending on what we have from the library for the week. Today's choices are 101 Dalmations, The Very Cranky Bear, and Bear Shadow
Pet Peeve: When Ethan takes my toys
Catch Phrase: 'Farkle'=Freckle, 'I think, what are you doin', ' does that sound? Does that sound like a good plan Mama?' (I usually haven't heard the entire plan and am not sure what I'm agreeing to.)
Height: 39 1/4 inches
Weight: 33.2 pounds
: If I know you I'll talk your ear off, if you're a stranger, don't even try to get me to say a single word.
Sleeping: Night-about 11 hours (8pm-7am), Nap 2-2.5 hours (1pm-3pm)
Movement: Running, Jumping, Climbing on top of counters and bookshelves where I shouldn't be, learning to peddle the tricycle


Welch Mom said...

So cute, she is getting so big!

Shelly said...

She is darling. We can't wait to see you guys in just a few days!