Friday, April 25, 2008

Library Friday

We try to go to the library at least once a week; usually Friday. Now that it is finally warm Ellie and I get to walk there. This morning I got out the stroller and Ellie got so excited and turned to me with a look that said "Great idea!"

She loves playing with the train set. Unfortunately she is not very quiet as she plays, so I can't let her play too long. I'm always afraid the librarians are going to come kick me out.

I am purposefully trying to raise a daughter that loves to read as much as I do. That way we can hang out and have read-a-thon parties together. Minimal energy quality time, what could be better?


Cindi M said...

We *occasionally* (very occasionally) get those moments where everyone has their book and is reading. I love it. I wish we could do it every day!

They won't kick you out over there. I always have Sariah with me when I go. Enough said.

Jacquelyn said...

It really works! When my family gets together, we always end up with a big book review session.

Hooray for the library!