We took the train to Palatine Hill, Roman Forum and Colosseum area. It was very cool to get off the train and see the impressive colosseum.
We stood in line for about half and hour to get tickets. Then toured the Hill and Forum.
It was fascinating to walk through the streets of the Roman Forum. We learned that the green door on the building in the background was at street level in the 1500s, so there was a lot of history buried that has been discovered in the last few hundred years.
We had timed tickets to enter the Colosseum at 1:50, but it was about a 45 minute wait to get through security and get in. There was no shade on the lines so everyone was hot and tired which was probably the least favorite part of the trip for most people, but once we finally made it in the sights were very cool to see.
We then went to the Mouth of truth-no one had their hand eaten off.
We did some geocaching close by and then walked up to the Aventine keyhole before taking the train back to the house. We ate dinner there and then went out for one more gelato before getting packed up to head back home early the next morning.
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