Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fly-on-the-Wall: Sunday

I have also never tracked a Sunday for a fly-on-the-wall post.  I'm not really sure why, but figured it was about time. Here is a fairly typical Sunday for our family.  I went ahead and tracked on the half hour marks.  This was Sunday, October 11th.

6:30-In bed-reviewing plans for the day
Sunday is a sleep-in day!!  James is up getting ready to head out to Ward Council.
7:30-Doing Ellie's Hair
Kids were all up by 6:45 or so.  Everyone is in various stages of getting ready for church.  Mostly the kids are just being silly-playing with a slinky and a wand.
James gets home about 8:20 and we eat breakfast as soon as he walks in.  This Sunday it is cinnamon breakfast cake and scrambled eggs.
Breakfast is quick as we have to be out of the house by 8:45 to walk to church.
9:30-Church-Sacrament Meeting
It was the Primary Program, where both Brielle and Ethan had multiple parts and talks to give.  They did a great job.

10:30-Church-Sunday School
Preston runs off for Nursery as soon as the closing prayer is said.  Usually after every song during sacrament meeting he announces loudly "now it's time to go play!"
11:30-Relief Society
Got pictures during the break of missionary calendar, RS activity project samples and upcoming service sign up sheets for the RS newsletter.
12:30-Getting Home from church
I took this picture when we got home to re-create this morning.  On our way to walk to church Preston and I went out to the garage.  I opened the garage door and turned to grab to stroller when I heard Preston's voice calling for help.  He had grabbed hold of the garage door on it's way up and was being lifted up.  I couldn't get a picture then, but wanted to remember it.  So when we got home I had him hold on again.  He wasn't too happy about it.
1:30-Getting Preston down for nap 
Got everyone some lunch.  Everyone ready for some quiet time.

Ethan is next to me working on his FHE lesson while I work on family journal.  Brielle is upstairs reading, James working on Elder's Quorum responsibilities and Preston still napping.

3:30-Prepping Dinner
Heading to Rim Road for Sunday dinner with extended family.

4:30-Family Home Evening Lesson
Just finishing up so we can head to dinner.

5:30-Family Dinner Prep
Everyone working together to get things ready.

6:30-Dessert Time!
Finished up dinner (Steak, Salmon, Salad, Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts and Cheese Bread).  Celebrating birthdays with multiple dessert tonight.

7:30-Headed Home
Gotta get kids to bed before we all turn into pumpkins.  Reading family scriptures on the way home to get a start on the night routines.

8:30-Prepping Lunches
Packing salad for James to take and sandwiches for kids lunches so we're ready for the morning rush.

9:30-Planning for next week
Looking over upcoming activities to make plans for the week.

10:30-Headed to bed
Brielle didn't cooperate for her journal time, so we'll have to do that tomorrow.  Got everything else done today though.  Off to sleep.

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