Wednesday, December 17, 2014

2014 Reflections Program

The PTA at our elementary school participates in the Reflection's program. A contest that encourages kids to be involved in the arts.  This year's theme was: The World Would Be a Better Place If.....

Brielle and Ethan both decided to enter in the photography and literature categories. A lot of kids enter in the visual arts category at our school, because they provide materials and time for everyone to do a project after school a couple of days.  There is very low participation in any of the other categories though.  Brielle and Ethan are both in the same division (K-2).  Brielle ended up winning 1st place in both of these categories.  She got two prizes, and then gave one to Ethan since he didn't win.  I loved Ethan's description of his picture.

Brielle's Short Story
How Plants Grew
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Abby.  She was the only girl that cared about plants.  So, Abby decided to ask her mom if she could go to the store and buy a couple of seeds.  Her Mom let her do that, so Abby went to the store and bought lots of seeds and she planted them all over the city.  The store owner said that these seeds are magical, so once you plant them, they will be done the next day.  So, the next day when everybody was awake, she woke up, and she was the last one to wake up too.  She woke up and looked outside.  It looked so beautiful. Everybody looked out and they said ‘it looks so much more beautiful with all of this.” Then every single person went to the store and got seeds. They planted them all over the city.

Brielle's Photo
These are melanoma cells.  Green shows the shape of the cells, the blue color is the nucleus of the cancer cells.  The pink dots are a kind of drug my dad is helping to make that will keep the cancer cells from spreading.  I helped grow the cells and I took the picture with a microscope that uses lasers.
Many people get cancer; they get really sick and some people die.  I don’t want people to have cancer.  If we can find a cure, no one would ever have cancer again and the world would be a better place.
 Ethan's Short Story
All About Friends
A long time ago there lived a turtle and a lot of more sheep.  They lived in a town called Sheep Town.  The sheep came to visit his friend turtle named Singy  The sheep was named Paul. Singy lived in a hotel and there was a pool.  He wanted to go in the pool to swim.  It was a pond, but they called it a pool because that was the only water back then. Paul came to the hotel and he wanted to watch movies, but Singy wanted to swim.  Singy was very nice, so he said they could watch movies with Paul.  They watched a bad movie so Paul started to say bad things to his friends, but he was still Singy’s friend.  The other sheep stopped being his friend.  One of the sheep still wanted to be his friend.  He went over to Paul’s house and asked him.  “Can you please not say bad things to us, because it makes a feel sad.”  Paul thought that he should stop saying bad things, and he did.  He still wanted to talk to his friends, because they were still his friends.  He thought to do something nice. He wanted to make a book full of nice things to say.  He made a book and then gave it to his three friends.  Then, his other friends started to be his friend again because he did something nice.  The world would be a better place if people would say nice things to other people.

Ethan's Photo
I found this frog in our backyard. Frogs live everywhere in the world, except they don't live in Santa Claus’ house and Antarctica.  Frogs can live in ponds and lakes.  I really like this frog because it was green and brown with polka dots on it.  If we have more frogs, it can be cooler to see their designs. The nature goes away when people kill things. Then kids like me don’t get to discover nature.  The world would be a better place if people were more kind to the nature around us.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Great job! I love Brielle's picture and her description. Ethan's is funny, too. :)