The second annual Ragnar Relay in support of the Ferguson Education Fund was run this past weekend. The race was a little over 200 miles (from Ventura to Dana Point). 12 runners stepped up to the challenge and did a fantastic job. Here are just a few pics from the event. There is a map below if you want to take a look. The yellow pins are the exchange points with the blue pins being where one half of the team switched to the next half.
View Ragnar 2010 in a larger map
These are the runners from the first 6 legs. They started at about 8am Friday morning. The race would finish (after running through the night) roughly 32 hours later.
Ed and Helen Ferguson with great granddaughter Brielle hang out with Nemo (the team mascot) who was used as the "baton" to pass from one runner to the next.
Of course Ethan could not get enough Nemo time. Any chance he got, he was with that fish. Megan Warnick was a huge help as she was in charge of all the snacks for runners as well as watching the 4 little kids.
Megan is receiving Nemo as she comes to the end of one of her legs. She (and all the runners) did a great job of training in the months leading up to the race, and it showed as they kept running with minimal/no sleep anywhere from 12 to 20 miles.
Megan and her sister Nikki pose here with Nemo as they rest a little between their respective race legs.

On Meg's last leg of the race (8.8 miles) she passed Nemo to Gavin and Brielle who were thrilled to be able to "help" out with the race.
Meg's sister and brother-in-law came from Utah to run in the race. Here are Ashlie and Nathan at the finish line. They look pretty good considering what they had just gone through!
The team crossed the finish line on the beach at Dana Point just about 5pm on Saturday. Really a great accomplishment for an equally great cause.
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