Preston is enthusiastic and lights up a room. His emotions are extreme: when he is happy he is REALLY happy, when he is sad he is REALLY sad. All his feelings are very evident on his face. He will engage with anyone in a conversation and is friends with everyone.
My name is: Preston (aka: Friendador, Friendliest Friend, Prepre, PJ)
Height: 50" (99%)
Weight: 54lbs (87%)
Sleeping: About 11 hours 8pm-7am. As a 3rd child he often is out past is supposed 7:30 bedtime as we're involved in other activities. When sleep schedules have been thrown off (travel, too many late nights) he will sleep in until 9 or 10 when given the chance. He still has bad dreams, but not as often...maybe waking up a couple times a month. He likes to listen to music to go back to sleep.
Hobbies: Loves music. Plays piano and took a general music class. Hasn't had a desire to participate in any organized sports, but enjoys swimming and riding his scooter-especially to show me his tricks.
What is your name? Preston
When is your birthday? June 10th
How old are you? 6What is your favorite color? Red, Orange and Yellow
What is your favorite song? The Eye of the Tiger
What does Mom do? Wash the dishes, do the laundry
What does Dad do? He goes to work
What do you want to do when you are a grown up? Be a farmer
Where do you want to live when you grow up? At a home
If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it? I would spend it for a bunch of pizzas
What is your favorite food? My favorite food is Broccoli Cheese Soup
What is your least favorite food? Broccomole? (We're not sure what that is.)
What is your dream car? A limousine
What is your favorite animal? A zebra
Where do we go to church? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Why do we go to church? To learn about Jesus
What is something you’re good at? Riding the scooter
What is your favorite movie? Lion King
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
Where would you like to travel? Ecuador
Where do you like to eat? Pizza Hut
Who is your favorite person? Mommy and Daddy
Who is your best friend? Brooklyn, my cousin
What is your favorite book? Piggie and Gerald Books
What is your favorite thing to do? Read
What are you most excited about being 6? Doing my birthday interview, which I'm doing right now.
What is broccomole? Guacamole? Hummus? No, I'm thinking of something, but I don't know what the name is.
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