Thursday, March 8, 2018

Winter Field Trips

Looking through January and February pictures and realized we've been busy with a lot of fun field trip and outings. 
 The kids had a day off of school and we took the train to the Natural History Museum.  
Preston gets confused and often calls museums a "zoo".  He was excited to go back to the "dinosaur zoo."  Most times I take him to a museum he asks which zoo we are going to.
Brielle got to go up to Morro Bay over President's Day weekend and toured Hearst Castle, which was an amazing experience for her.  
As a family we went to the BYU/USC volleyball game.  They were exciting nail-biting, edge of your seat sets.  We were rooting for BYU and were very excited they won!

Ethan went with Gramma Finlay and Cousin Gavin to spend the afternoon at the new Korean Air building in downtown Los Angeles.  
Another fun family outing to the demolition derby and firework show.
Preston went out with Gramma Finlay to run errands and loved the stop at Wes's Feed and Seed where he got to hold pigs and ducks.
Brielle's class had a field trip to City of Hope.  They got to do some fun science experiments as they learned about the brain, disease and health.
Preston and I have gone on lots of field trips with his Preschool group. One of the mom's made them matching tie-dyed shirts to wear when we go out.
They don't seem to care where we go....exploring museums, hiking around gardens, or just the local play ground is always better with friends.
We also got most of the Finlay cousins together at the Los Angeles Temple.  The women all were able to go in for a session while James and Ian stayed out with kids.

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