Friday, August 3, 2012

Fly on the wall-a Friday

I meant to keep track of a Friday in June and missed it.  I've done a Wednesday and Thursday so far, and have been trying to go in order from there to get a full week.

This is July 27, 2012  Another 'day-in-the-life' at the Finlay's house

6AM-Running with the Coyotes
Moved my long run to today, as tomorrow is going to be busy.  Got out at 5:30 to get my run in before James needs to leave for home.  The family, I assume is all still in bed sleeping.
I don't mind the coyotes when they are down by the river, but there are a lot on the bike path.  They creep me out a bit.

7AM-Still Running
Legs were feeling achy at the start, and was nervous about an injury so kept it slow, but was able to finish strong.  9.82 miles in 100 minutes.

8AM-Getting James breakfast as he runs out the door.
Friday we typically have carmel biscuits and scrambled eggs.  Ethan is helping unload the dishwasher.  Brielle is still upstairs getting dressed and ready for the day.

9AM-Making my Bed
When I got home from running, both kids were sleeping in our bed.  James said he got up shortly after I left to go running to get some work done.

10AM-Teaching Brielle Piano Lesson
Brielle a couple weeks ago asked if she could learn to play the piano.  I've been sitting down with her for about 10 minutes each day.  Her attention span doesn't last much longer than that, but she is enjoying the lessons so far.

11AM-Mopping Kitchen Floors
I've been seeing some scouting ants in my house this week, so I'm trying extra hard to keep the kitchen and dining area clean.  Once again, I'm amazed by how messy our kitchen floor gets.

12PM-At the Grocery Store.
I needed to go Wednesday, but I don't care for shopping, so put it off until today when I used the last of the milk and last egg for breakfast.  It couldn't wait any longer.

1PM-Cleaning up from Lunch
Brielle requested grilled cheese, grapes and carrots.

2PM-Arranging Rides for YW Temple Trip
Both kids napping. (good thing, because it's a late night tonight).  Young Women are going to temple tomorrow and we need enough priesthood to come.  I'm calling to confirm who is coming and how many each car will fit.

3PM-Packing Up Car
Trying to make sure I have James' extra clothes, Kids swimming stuff and pajamas, and all the library books so we can stop there on the way to Finlay's.

4PM-Visiting Teaching
Visiting with and inactive lady.  The kids brought some notes to write, but keeping asking me how to spell words or write letters.  I finally give them the touchpad to play on so I can carry on a conversation.  The roommate of the lady I was visiting then became fascinated with the worksheets I put on the touchpad for the kids (she use to be a teacher) so we had a touchpad class.

5PM-Stopping by Library
Dropping off books, picking up new books and letting kids turn in their summer reading program papers.  They get coins to buy prizes with for reading.  It is always a tough choice for them to decide what to get and how much to spend.

6PM-At Finlay's House
Brad and Margaret are hosting a party for the cast of Crazy for You.  The kids are swimming and everyone is having a great time.

7PM-Leaving Party, picking up YW
James rode his bike up to his parents house.  I turned kids over to him for the night while I head to a sleepover with the Young Women.

8PM-Watching Opening Ceremonies
Everyone voted to watch Olympics (which I was happy about!).  They Bishop and his Wife are hosting us for the sleepover as they have plenty of floor space.  Luckily they also have a large screen T.V. perfect for Olympic watching!

9PM-Still Watching Olympics
Everyone brought snacks to share.  Muting commercials to talk.  We have a great group of Young Women.  10 were able to come tonight.

10PM-Playing Games.
playing sculptionary (pictionary with playdoh).  Re-discovered that I am not a great artist.

11PM-Starting Movie
Some of the girls want to wait for USA to be shown on the screen, others are ready for Newsies to start.  The girls are all spread out all over the floor.

12PM-Drifting to Sleep
Young Women are starting to fall asleep.  I am dozing in and out as I wait for the movie to end.  Hoping for some sleep before another busy day tomorrow.

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