I told Ellie we were going to make a rainbow. She said "and then we can put it up in the sky!"We put in the food coloring and then added some dish soap and watched as the colors started moving.
The window in our bathroom lets the sun hit the glass just right to make the rainbows show up. The kids love to watch them.
The kids helped me to make some cookies for a Relief Society activity. They also came up with their own recipes. If anyone tries them out, let me know. They sound pretty good to me! :)Gavin's recipe for Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake
A lot of Chocolate ChipsSpoon to stir
little kids knife to cut up a thing that's small
a lot of salt
strawberry shortcake
a lot of cups of flour
a lot of sugar
a lot of vanilla
5 eggs
lots of strawberries
cook it on the stove a lot
Brielle's recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies
10 Butterscotch Chipssomething to stir
1/2 tsp salt
a couple cups of butter
11 eggs
10 Cups flour
10 Cups sugar
11 Cups vanilla
Cook in microwave for 10 seconds
The kids love playing hide and seek. We changed it up a bit and played where's the rabbit.
They are not good at keeping secrets yet, so Brielle was telling Gavin where to find the rabbit.
The kitchen was the favorite hiding place. It's not so hard to find it if they hide it in the same place over and over and over again.
We went on a rock hunt to find the perfect rocks to paint.